"Design without soul is pointless."
'The Alchemist' is a powerful story, which takes the reader on a sublime journey of the true meaning of life, our dreams and ambitions; proving that they are all meant to be lived out...
The main character is a young man by the name of Santiago, a young Spanish shepherd, who travels around the world pursuing his personal legend. The main focus of this novel is encompassed in this line in the novel :
...there is one great truth, whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it is because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.
This suggests that all things are attainable if they are really desired...although this is a highly romanticised outlook on life, it highlights the notion of things being destined to happen, regardless of desire.
This book acts as an escape/ comforter to many of us who are not content with the way our lives are, whether it be through our careers, our relationships or our own personal self- and causes us to re-focus our energies on the dreams that we have stopped chasing and re-invest in them.
I believe It is a very potent 'self help' book and I am very surprised it is not listed in that category when you go into a bookshop, the tone of voice and the style of writing suit the theme very well; the omniscient voice through the book spurring us to go beyond ourselves.
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